Premiere: Bot Garden – A Bunch of Smaller Parts

     Bot Garden was born during a particularly brutal Brooklyn Winter. Right after moving to the city, Lyricist Nathan Krauss (Birdluck, Be Still Cody) reached out to once-tourmates Brian McFarland (Poison Oak, For Everest), Ian Pritchard (collector//emitter, Poison Oak, For Everest), and Nick Pitman (Hard Pass, For Everest) to get together in a space heater-filled basement to begin workshopping songs that would go on to become A Bunch of Smaller Parts, Bot Garden’s debut EP.

Krauss’ lyrics are filled with vivid imagery as he unpacks moments as if they were still images, from a sweltering summer bedroom to an intimate campfire, hundreds of miles away from the chaos of the city. Sonically, A Bunch of Smaller Parts‘ 4 songs are a love letter to the electric guitar, with engineers Pitman and Pritchard shifting through as many unique sounds as possible throughout the EP’s indie rock mini-epics and post-hardcore slow burns.

Bot Garden will release A Bunch of Smaller Parts digitally on April 19th, with a self-produced tape run to come shortly after. With its members split between New York and Philadelphia, Bot Garden has been slowly entering the NYC DIY show gauntlet in 2019 and is looking forward to confusing more audiences with their name.

Speaking of their name, Pitman says, “Its supposed to be short for botanical garden, but we also support robots with green thumbs.”

Stream A Bunch of Smaller Parts in full below or click here to listen on their Bandcamp.

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